The nasal valves control airflow into and out of the nose. If these are compromised in some way, it’s typically known as nasal valve collapse. Those with this condition have aesthetic nasal issues and trouble breathing. To get a valve collapse corrected, they will need rhinoplasty.
A cartilage graft is a small shaped piece of cartilage used to add support to an area in the nose during rhinoplasty. Cartilage grafts are often used to correct nasal valve collapse issues. The cartilage for these grafts usually comes from the patient’s septum. Other possible sites include the ear (conchal cartilage/auricular cartilage) and the ribs (costal cartilage).
To learn more about cartilage grafts and their usage when correcting nasal valve collapse, contact our office to arrange a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.
With the help of Dr. J. David Holcomb, an experienced plastic surgeon serving the Sarasota area, you’ll once again be able to breathe easy. Dr. Holcomb is an expert in rhinoplasty as well as in surgical management of the nasal airway.