If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, rhinoplasty is a procedure that helps you feel better about how your nose looks and may also help you breathe easier. Doctor Holcomb at HK Plastic Surgery consistently delivers beautiful and natural-looking results that are perfectly balanced with each patient’s facial features. Rhinoplasty is an excellent option if you want to balance your overall facial structure or reshape a nose that is crooked or has been broken.
But will a rhinoplasty affect the sound of your voice? Does your voice change after rhinoplasty? Based on new scientific research and results, the answer is yes, your voice can change after rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty patients may notice changes in the sound of their voice, but these changes usually do not cause problems with speech function. If you are considering rhinoplasty, primarily if you use your voice professionally, you should be aware of these potential voice alterations.
Why your voice may change after rhinoplasty
Not many patients consider their voice changing after a nose job as one aspect of the procedure. Changes to your voice post-surgery are possible because of changes in the frequency and amplitude of some sounds, thought to be related to narrowing the nasal cavity after rhinoplasty. To put it more scientifically, the changes in surface area of the nasal cavity may increase airflow resistance which could cause an increase in sound absorption but a decrease in passing sound amplitude.
Recently, more patients who use their voice professionally, such as voice actors and singers, are asking if rhinoplasty changes their voice. While these changes are said to be subtle but significant, people who rely on their voice for professional reasons should discuss these changes with their surgeon during their pre-op consultation. If they wish to change their nose without changing their voice, they may need to consider more conservative types of nose jobs, such as a non-surgical procedure.
You can reduce the chance of your voice changing after rhinoplasty
While it is impossible to avoid your voice changing after rhinoplasty entirely, one precaution you can take to influence the outcome of your surgery is to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your rhinoplasty, such as Dr. Holcomb. He is educated in protecting your voice box to ensure minimal vocal cord contact and damage and will help you determine the best course of action. For example, making your nose too small will decrease your airways and, as such, could change your voice—Dr. Holcomb has the knowledge and experience to avoid making such decisions while giving you your dream nose.
Ask about the chances of your voice changing during your consultation
During your initial consultation for rhinoplasty, voice your concerns regarding talking after rhinoplasty. You can make an informed decision based on your needs and goals by thoroughly understanding all aspects of your rhinoplasty before deciding to undergo the procedure. Additionally, during the consultation, Dr. Holcomb will discuss some post-operative measures that you can take to reduce the likelihood of unwanted results.
Choose HK Plastic Surgery for your rhinoplasty
With his rhinoplasty procedures, Dr. Holcomb consistently delivers beautiful and natural-looking results that are perfectly balanced with your facial features. He accomplishes this by using the Canfield Vectra® 3D imaging system to help you visualize your options and establish mutual goals for your rhinoplasty. Dr. Holcomb is an experienced cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty surgeon with nearly 20 years of experience who is also double board-certified, making him an expert in rhinoplasty and surgical management of the nasal airway. By working with you, he will create a rhinoplasty treatment plan to address your concerns safely with beautiful results.